Sunday 10 November 2013

A sad story

PETALING JAYA: A father, whose last act was to protect his daughter from a snatch thief, died.
This is one of the title news that I see from newspaper of today !it is a very very sad story.

Nung Wai Kwong, 52, had been in a coma for 17 days after stopping a motorcyclist from robbing his daughter on Oct 30.They were on a motorcycle heading home to Pandan Perdana at about 11.40pm when another motorcyclist sped toward them. He tried to snatch Nung’s daughter’s handbag but they fought him off.Nung’s motorcycle was kicked during the scuffle, causing father and daughter to fall to the ground. The motorcyclist sped off.Nung was treated at a private hospital before undergoing surgery at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. He was readmitted to the intensive care unit of the private hospital after the operation.His 15-year-old daughter, who sustained injuries on her left shoulder from the incident, was with Nung when he died on Friday.
He is a really lovely and bravely father !i know all world of the father will also do the same thing when their daughter facing the same problem .i know this good father is going to a good place which is call "heaven "to watch and take care his family !:)

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