Friday 15 November 2013

Oh my god ~UKM student found dead at home

Today when i was open the newspaper and read ,a title of a news was frigthen me
"student found dead at home".When i go on to the content of that news ,the horrible 
thing was the dead was a student of UKM who same university with me!

From the news, Lo’s body was found by his mother after she returned home from work at about noon yesterday.His mother found his body with a plastic bag wrapped around his head under the bed in her room.By the time she untied the plastic bag, but Lo was already dead. Lo wrapped his head in the plastic bag and then tried to hang himself from the window railing with a belt. However, the belt broke, causing his body to roll under the bed.

Actually Lo father discover this accident when he had received a call from his son’s lecturer at about 9am yesterday, notifying him that Lo had failed to attend an appointment at the university to discuss his plan to change his major.From the news ,the Lo was very stress 

in his study so he decide to change his major but the reason that his choose to die still is the mystery !!!!

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