Saturday 26 October 2013

Group Discussion ......:=)

Today is the second time of meeting for the group work of
Aplikasi Komputer ....Actually we done the project ,but
to make it more perfectly we decided to have second meeting .
We add more new idea and creativity into our project to make it
more funny and creative .

Our group is ONE MALAYSIA cause our group member is
come from different races,got indian ,chineses and iban .Although
we come from different races but we still can communicate very
well with each other.=)

These are  the picture that i capture when my group member is
doing that the project seriously~

Friday 25 October 2013

E2. Election +Exam

Today is the day of the election !So all the student of
UKM have to take their responsibility to vote for 
the candidates .But for the first year student who
just come into the U just two month ,it is very blur
n insane for them .Coz we actually Duno who is the 
candidates and what they can do for us .So we just 
vote depend by our first impression to the candidate .

Today not only the Election Day but also the exam 
Of Prinsip perakaunan .Although the class in the
Morning is cancel but I didnot feel very happy 
Coz the free time have to use to study !:(

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Oh my god~

The happy time always is short and fly very fast!After coming
back from the Ipoh trip ,it is a lot of thing and problem have to 
solve !a lot of shirt have to wash,a lot of assignment have to do,
and the serious problem is i have exam in the next week and i haven
study yet!I am feeling worry now~

And this will happen on me in the exam!!

Monday 14 October 2013

Second Day ...IPOH~~yuhoo~~

After having a breakfast,we were going to the the
SAN  POH TONG,which is a CHINESES Buddhist Temple
within a natural limestone hill.It developed by the 
buddhist community and nowhas become an 
international tourist spot attracting visitors from 
all over the world.

At the night,we were having a walk at the Riverwalk@River Front Hotel

.There was very beautiful and colourful which all the tree is decorated by
different colour of the light !

LED-lighted trees along the river and the reflection on the river make the scene so attractive and perfect!

There is so mant people who fishing ,walking around and take photos and i think it's always so many people there and we unable to finding parking also.It's such a nice view in ipoh!Muat play a visit to Kinta River Walk.There is so many cafe beside the river ,it must a good place to eat with the awesome scene around you.

Sunday 13 October 2013

First day in Perak ....

Today was the day that I start my journey to Perak and
at the same time also the first time I take train !After
my first try ,I realized that it was more comfortable to
take train to a far place better than by bus !!This is
because train is more wider and faster than the  bus !

The first place that we went to when we arrive the
Perak was Marina Island Lumut !There was a beautiful
and clean beach  !I was very Exicted to see the beach !
Sun ,wind ,sea wave and white sand  how wonderful
match in the world !oh~yeah...

Saturday 12 October 2013

Exciting ....

Although it is very sad that have to left home earlier
even that have 6days holiday I just stay home 3days !
But..... I am very excited that tomorrow I have to start
my journey to Perak !

This is the first time that I go to Perak .N I dun know
about of Perak but many imagination pop out from
my brain .Perak is a place that strange to me but I really
Exicted and willing to discover it beauty and know
about it!  Wait me,Perak !!!I coming !

Saturday 5 October 2013

Bye ~Friend!

Bye Friend!
Although  we just know each other for 
one month but we was like  brother and
sister in a family .
Although we come from different state 
but we can get along with each other
Although we study different course
but we wouldn"t look down each other.
Altough we unwiling to let you go 
but we will respect the choice you make .
Although you want to left us already
but you still is the member of KIY.

Bye Bye!

Thursday 3 October 2013


A young lady was waiting for her flight in the
boarding room of a big airport.As she would
need to wait many hours,she decided to buy
a book to spend her time.She also bought
a packet of cookies.

She sat down in an armchair in the VIP room
of the airport to rest and read in peace.Besides
the armchair where the packet of cookies lay,a
man sat down in the next seat ,opened his
magazine and started reading.When she
took out the first cookie,the man took one
also. She felt irritated but say nothing. She
just though:"What a nerve! if I was in the
mood I would punch him for daring!"

For each cookie she took,the man took one
too.This was infuriating her but she didn't want
to cause a scene.When only one cookie 
remained,she though;"ah....What this abusive
man do now?"Then the man taking the last
cookie divided it into half and giving her 
one half.

Ah!That was too much !She was much too angry 
now!In a huff,she took her book ,her thing and 
stormed to the boarding place.

When she sat down in her seat in the plane,she
looked into her purse to take her sunglasses,and
to her surprise ,her packet of cookies was there,
untouched,unopened!She felt ashamed!she realized 
that she was wrong ....She had forgottenthat her 
cookies were kept in her purse.

The man divided his cookies with her without 
feeling angered or bitter.....While she had been 
very angry,thinking that she was dividing her cookies
with him.And now there was no chance to explain 
herself ...nor to apologize.

Actually this is a video that my friend send to me!
After i watching thisstory ,i realized that something
 cannot recover afterhappening!For example:the
 word after it said!The occasion after loss!The
 time after it"s gone!All this like the stone u throw
 into the sea,and u will not get back after the throw!
This story really make sense!!!